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virtual consultation

What is Virtual Consultation?

Virtual Consultation is a new concept of consultation that takes place through the tools provided by novel communication technologies: the internet and virtual communication platforms we use today to communicate global and in real-time.

You will only need a computer with Internet connection. No travel, no waiting, and no appointments are necessary via e-mail. It is meant for those who are unable or unwilling to move to the consultation face for different reasons, and the effectiveness of therapy is similar to traditional therapy given in person.

Virtual Consultation Arrangements

- E-mail: It represents the easiest way of counseling as it involves an exchange of e-mail messages. When you send your query in the text box provided to do so, we will send you an answer to your query in a time period of no longer than 24 hours. The cost is at EUR 35.00 per response received each query, the first one representing a free consultation.

- Vídeo-conferencing / Chat: This modality requires a prior appointment. Just complete the inquiry form, selecting the mode of "Videoconferencing/ Chat ", indicating in the text box, time availability, and in less than 24 hours you will receive your appointment. Each session has a fixed duration of 55 minutes and costs EUR 50.00, whereas the first consultation is free.

Please, complete the following fields:







Your privacy is valued. All personal information gathered during the provision of the service will remain confidential and secure except when:

1. It is subpoenaed by a court, or
2. Failure to disclose information would place you or another person at risk; or
3. Your prior approval has been obtained to
  a) provide a written report to another professional and/or agency (eg. a GP or lawyer).
  b) discuss the material with another person (eg. employer or relative).

Consultation Request